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Ms Samantha Gibson

Oncology Nurse Practitioner


Sam’s career in cancer nursing spans nearly 30 years. Before joining Western Oncology, Sam worked as an Oncology Nurse Practitioner (NP) at St John of God Subiaco Hospital, after being endorsed by the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA) in Western Australia as the first Oncology NP.

Sam completed her Master of Nursing Nurse Practitioner in 2012, graduating with Distinction and receiving the academic prize from Curtin University for the top graduating student. She was endorsed as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in 2013. Further to being an experienced registered nurse with higher level qualifications, NPs are the most senior clinical nurses in the Australian health care system and their title is legally protected and endorsed by the AHPRA. An NP can practice autonomously and in collaborative partnerships to perform advanced physical assessments, order and interpret diagnostic tests, initiate referrals to relevant healthcare providers and prescribe appropriate medications and therapies as needed. Medicare recognises the services provided by an NP and provides rebates for these services.


Sam’s experience has seen her sought out to provide nursing expertise and contribute to a number of forums, including senate committees, advisory boards and state-based cancer collaborative groups. During her time at St John of God Subiaco Hospital, Sam played a key leadership role in the development and implementation of nursing and clinical policies based on delivering safe, best practice care. Sam is an active member of Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA), and has held a number of leadership roles within the Society. She played a pivotal role in the establishment and growth of the Cancer Nurse Practitioner Specialist Practice Network of CNSA, a national cohort of cancer nurse practitioners committed to raising the profile of cancer nurse practitioners to establish them in a more diverse range of cancer care models.


Sam prides herself on being an informed practitioner, up to date with evidence-based guidelines, motivated by improving patient outcomes by participating in her own professional development and the development of others. She is well respected for working collaboratively within the inter-disciplinary team and enjoys mutually respectful relationships that promote collegiality, quality health care and improved patient outcomes. She is a competent clinician and is respectful, timely and factual in her approach to communication and care provision.


In 2008 Sam was a finalist in the Western Australian Nursing Excellence Awards and the Winner of the 2008 HESTA Australian Nurse of the Year Awards.

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